Media from Guestbook Project
From short form documentary to recorded stories of transformation, Guestbook Project has been inviting young people in divided communities to exchange stories in order to change their histories.
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October 31, 2023 Richard Kearney talks about 'Salvage' and Celtic ecology at the Boston Public Library. Includes interview by David Leonard, President of the BPL, short highlight reading by Richard Kearney, accompanying videos by Noirin Ni Rian, Sheila Gallaher and Fanny Howe, and integral recording of the full event.
Listening to the Earth: Wolf and Lisa Wahpepah in conversation with Michael Kearney2023 Wolf and Lisa Wahpepah in conversation with Michael Kearney at their Spirit Camp in the high desert, central California. Wolf and Lisa Wahpepah are the second generation in their family to carry a traditional Native American inter-tribal fireplace that receives all people…
Ecologies of Wisdom Speaker Series2022 In collaboration with Psychological Humanities & Ethics Series. Moderated by Matthew Clemente (Boston College).
Ecologies of Wisdom Speaker Series2022 In collaboration with Wisdom at Work. Moderated by David Storey (Boston College).
Mary Robinson in conversation with Richard Kearney2022 Mary Robinson (Former UN Special Envoy on Climate Change, Former President of Ireland, and Former UN Commissioner of Human Rights) sits down with Professor Richard Kearney (Boston College) at the Guestbook Project Hosting Earth event to discuss the climate crisis and ways that humans can be better guests…
Hosting Earth in Glenstal Abbey2022 Richard Kearney discusses hosting the earth with philosopher Patrick Hederman and musician Nóirín Ní Riain in Glenstal, Ireland.
How the Trees See Us2022 A Guestbook Production Featuring: Norin Ni Riain Richard Kearney Simon Sieeman Fanny Howe Mícheál Moley O Súilleabháin Anthony Keane
Súitú - The Dolphin's Way2022 Filmed and edited by Sarah Eva Kearney Artists (in order of appearance): Simone Kearney Sally Reid Dave Fitzpatrick Manchan Magan Dorothy Cross
Program for 2022 Guestbook Conference: “Hosting Earth”
Poetics of the Earth, a panel discussion featuring Jason Wirth, Catherine Keller, and Brian Treanor, moderated by Melissa Fitzpatrick
“For I had no one in the world, and that meant everyone in the world was mine.”
The Guestbook Foundation hosted a symposium on Digital Peace Pedagogy on April 24, 2021.
The Guestbook Foundation hosted a book launch with Brian O’Donovan (PBS/GBH) and Sheila Gallagher (Boston College) on April 24, 2021 for three titles: Touch by Richard Kearney; Imagination Now: A Richard Kearney Reader edited by Murray Littlejohn; and Radical Hospitality by Richard Kearney and Melissa Fitzpatrick
“If you go to the outside, if you go to the United States for a couple of years, maybe you will forget. And you will be coming back. We will miss you, but we will see you later. But if you die, no chance to see you later in time.”
In this Guestbook documentary, black South African students Kamagona, Karabo, Shipalani, and Charity at the University of Stellenbosch share their varied experiences growing up in post-Apartheid South Africa.
The Guestbook Project collaborates with students at Saint Columbkille Partnership School in Boston on a project called Stories of Hospitality.
“The Global Portal provided an amazing opportunity for us at Guestbook Project to interact, in real time, with what felt like someone who was truly sitting right in front of us.”
“In the safe space I’m a part of, I can take a step back to reflect on myself, my background, and my position as a women with intersecting backgrounds.”
An Afghan refugee and a Greek resident share their stories of hospitality and hope in the midst of an humanitarian crisis.
A Muslim and an Hasidic Jew reflect upon how discussing competing narratives can lead to mutual respect.
Students in Croatia share transformative moments of hospitality.
Students share a story representing the experiences of many Egyptians during the month of Ramadan.
How do the youths of Maine understand immigration and their classmates through cultural and political change?
Two Peruvians bridge a cultural divide through their language, healing practice, and love for one another.
“Although I maybe can’t go back…I’ve always been very intrigued by my family’s identity as Persians who have left their country.”
Two Brazilian teenagers from different socioeconomic worlds find equality through music.
“You might be different, but perhaps you have something that I don’t have.”
“It is important to have the willingness to listen to each other and the patience and tolerance for each other.”
“It gave me a place (..) to accept myself and accept that what I feel and who I am was good enough.”
“Instead of seeing it as a wall between two different groups, it’s really an opportunity for hospitality.”
Thembi shares a story about facilitating conversation between black and white employees on the effects of Apartheid in South Africa.
A Congolese and Rwandan fall in love across a social and national divide.
A Palestinian and Israeli wear clothes characteristic of the other side.
A wall divides an Irish family: on one side are Travelers and the other the Settled.
Young Croatians discuss the problem of rewriting their nation’s controversial past.
“They were the person who forced me to see the effects of the church’s stance on the people who identify on the LGBTQ spectrum.”
“…she’s this person who has invited me in her life. As I journey with her, she is also ready to journey with me.”
“…it really clued me in on the importance of listening and trying to root out the bigger problems…”
“…living with people who have been neglected, people who have suffered before, I have been able to accept myself…”
An Armenian law student and Turkish scholar talk about their national identities and perspectives on Genocide.
Guestbook is an international project committed to transforming hostility into hospitality.
Israeli and Palestinian students come together to discuss Jerusalem’s fledgeling national identities.
In a city divided by ethnicity and language, who is the guest and who is the host?
Four Northern Irish students explore the social, political, and geographic separation in their city’s history.
Students at Georgetown University share their ideas of normality, race, and class.
Exploring borders, strangers, and human narratives in Los Angeles.
Northern Irish students engage in the exchange of narratives in a city divided along denominational and political lines.
Over a hundred people share testimony, poetry, song, and prayer at the launch of the Bangalore Peace Council.
A ceremony of inter-religious hospitality on Skellig Michael Island, Ireland.
The ethnically and geographically divided town of post-war Mitrovica.
Richard Kearney presents the breadth of Guestbook Project’s 2009 initiatives.
Exploring love and hospitality in the stories of five religious traditions.
Exploring the role of hospitality in Celtic Christianian ritual.
Vox-pop documentary exploring the concept of ‘the Stranger.’
L’Arche Uganda: a community for disabled people and a story of radical hospitality.