Guestbook ProjectGuestbook Project

by Admin


Guestbook Project at the first ACCelerate Festival

October 20, 2017

Guestbook Project participated in the first ACCelerate: ACC Smithsonian Creativity and Innovation Festival on October 13-15, 2017, at the National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C. (organized by Virginia Tech and The Smithsonian Institute).

The event was a celebration of innovation and the power of imagination of students and researchers that use science and technology to change the world. Many universities showcased their most innovative projects to the visitors. The event also featured performances (including our sister-project Twinsome Minds), interactive talks and debates and, perhaps most important of all, the opportunity for researchers to learn about other projects and create a network of active ideas and partnerships.


Our Team worked our booth in one of the main entrances of the museum and welcomed many people interested in getting to know our work and our mission. And the feedback has been excellent! Both adults and children were moved by the stories in our documentaries, and some shared with us some stories of their own of trauma and reconciliation.

We even asked them to think creatively about the concepts of Justice and Hospitality and we will be sharing some of the amazing answers in our channels.

We were also invited to speak in a special panel on Narrative Media. Our director Richard Kearney presented our documentaries and shared some of the results and feedback of our initiatives. It was a very lively discussion about the power of stories and how narratives can foster understanding and hospitality that create change.

Both our directors – Richard Kearney and Sheila Gallagher – were present during the event helping with the organization and engaging with everyone, proudly sporting Guestbook Project’s colors and our motto “Exchange Stories – Change History”.

Finally, we cannot thank enough the representatives from Boston College who were essential in supporting us before and during the Festival and were an amazing force behind Guestbook and the other projects that were born and fostered in that institution.

In the upcoming weeks we will have new videos, new initiatives, and new partnerships. So stay tuned for more exciting news!

For more information on the event, visit

About Admin
Guestbook Project at the first ACCelerate Festival