Guestbook ProjectGuestbook Project

by Admin


Guestbook Project partners with Kindness Grows Here

December 7, 2017

We are happy to announce Guestbook Project’s new partnership with Kindness Grows Here, an American non-profit foundation dedicated to spreading kindness in local communities by fostering good-practices in children. This local project impacts change through collaborations with schools and neighborhoods where they develop engaging activities that tackle issues such as bullying, intolerance, and violence.

We in Guestbook share with our new partner the belief that change comes from the individual actions of each person that impact their family and their community and reverberates in the education we pass to our children, thus creating new generations that can be more tolerant and accepting of difference. Education is the key to create a strong, informed society that can continue to grow kindness and champion peace.

For more information, visit and check our web channels for news on future shared events.

“Chalk the Walk” event on May 2017 in Crofton – Maryland, USA.

About Admin
Announcing a New Partnership: Kindness Grows Here